Results are in - Complex Home Modification Specification Documents Survey

In November 2021, changes were implemented to the DVA Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP), resulting in all DVA funded complex home modifications being covered by contractual arrangements with sub-contracted builders providing quotes and carrying out the building work.
To support these changes, DVA Occupational Therapy (OT) Advisers developed complex home modification specification documents as a resource for OT providers. These included documents for pathway extensions and bathroom, ramp, stairlift and step modifications. Each of the documents have been informed by best practice and reviewed by industry peers.
To gather feedback on the utility of the documents DVA invited OT providers to complete a survey.
The feedback received was positive. Here’s what we found out:
- 74% of respondents found the home modification specification documents to be useful, 14% did not. 12% gave no response
- Bathrooms, stairlifts and ramps modifications were the most commonly used documents. This is reflected in applications received by RAP
- 60% of respondents indicated the specification improved their knowledge about the requirements for complex home modification applications.
To see the key findings, click here to view the survey snapshot.
To promote the resources, DVA’s OT Advisers ran a series of successful educational webinars to RAP contracted suppliers.
Click here to access the Home Modification Specification Documents.
Occupational Therapy Australia has also added a link to the documents on their website to the documents.
We encourage you to keep the feedback coming by emailing RAP.Program.Management [at] (RAP[dot]Program[dot]Management[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au).
To find out more about the RAP program, visit the DVA website.