Celebrating decades of Friendship Day – a tribute to war widows
A message from Australian War Widows Queensland

What began as a modest gathering has blossomed into an annual tradition that not only celebrates friendship but also honours the resilience and sacrifices of those who have lost spouses in the line of duty. Friendship Day has become a beacon of hope and camaraderie where old friendships are cherished while new ones are nurtured.
Over the last decade, Friendship Day has traversed Queensland from Townsville to Currumbin, venturing inland to Toowoomba, and embracing regional areas such as Caboolture, Bundaberg and Gympie. Last year the event unfolded in Redlands and in 2024 it is poised to return to Brisbane for the first time since 2015.
Reflecting on the past 10 years, the essence of Friendship Day remains unchanged. Shree Rogers, a member from Redlands, eloquently captures its significance:
‘Friendship Day has become a platform not only for sharing stories and experiences but also for forging new connections among individuals who have walked similar paths. The complex emotions of grief, loss and, at times, financial hardships, create a shared bond that transcends words. The day celebrates the unique journey that war widows undertake and serves as a stepping stone toward healing and growth,’ Shree said.
We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young.
— Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Judy Smith, President of Australian War Widows Queensland (AWWQ), reminisces on the event’s humble beginnings: ‘The first “Get Together” for Queensland Guild members was celebrated at the Gladstone/Biloela Sub Branch in 1992, with 158 members attending from all parts of the state. With the success of that first event, it was decided to continue Friendship Day each year at a different sub-branch,’ Judy said.
Today, Friendship Day has evolved into one of AWWQ’s most cherished events. For many, it has become an annual holiday, where members travel from all corners of Queensland to renew old friendships, make new connections, share stories and enjoy the festivities.
Friendship Day 2024 will be held on Wednesday 29 May, at the historic Brisbane City Hall, and AWWQ members will once again gather for a day of belonging and connection. The event begins at 11:30 am and includes a two-course lunch. Priced at $55 per person, attendees can also enjoy the offerings of a cash bar. AWWQ members are welcome to book by calling Head Office on (07) 3846 7706 by 17 May.
Image: AWW-QLD State President Judy Smith (standing) enjoying Friendship Day with members in Redlands.