Register now for two free webinars about DVA home and respite care services
DVA and the Older Persons Advocacy Network are hosting a series of eight webinars. Following on from the first successful webinar held on 25 March 2020, webinars two and three will be held on Tuesday 26 May 2020. The topics are:
11 am — Veterans’ Home Care
2 pm — Respite and Convalescent Care
DVA and the Older Persons Advocacy Network are hosting two free webinars to inform health professionals, community workers, and veterans and their families about services available to older veterans.
These will be the second and third of eight free interactive educational webinars. The series has been well received, with over 450 participants attending the first webinar in March 2020.
The webinars
Webinar 2: Veterans’ Home Care — 11:00 am Tuesday 26 May
In this webinar you will learn:
- The range of support services available through Veterans’ Home Care
- Who is eligible for Veterans’ Home Care
- How to access Veterans’ Home Care
Webinar 3: Respite Care and Convalescent Care — 2:00 pm Tuesday 26 May
In this webinar you will learn:
- The types of respite care available to veterans and their carers
- Who is eligible for respite and convalescent care
- How to access respite and convalescent care
Register now
Register by selecting the links below:
Webinar 2: Veterans' Home Care
Webinar 3: Respite and Convalescent Care
If you cannot participate in the live event on the day, you can access the resource afterwards at the OPAN website at your convenience.