DVA Provider News article - .

Pilot program for veteran social wellbeing and employment

If you think your veteran patient might benefit from support to build social connections and/or with civilian employment, and they have not yet had their health condition/s accepted by DVA as being related to their service in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), you can let them know about our social wellbeing and employment pilot program. 

Veterans who participate in this pilot program will be allocated a professional consultant who will develop an activity plan that aligns with their individual goals and needs in their civilian life.

The activity plan will last for three to six months and can include support funded by DVA to:

  • Build new social connections in the local community;
  • Become job-ready;
  • Change careers or adjust to the civilian workforce; and
  • Get a Medicare Card or engage a suitable GP.

This two year pilot aims to better support our veterans’ social wellbeing and employment needs in civilian life.

three people sitting at a office table with open laptop and one person holding coffee cup

There’s no need for veterans to have had their health condition accepted as being related to their ADF service, there is no cost to take part, and a written referral is not required. 

If this is something your patient might be interested in they can email NLR [at] dva.gov.au (NLR[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au)

For more information check out the flyer Get support for social wellbeing and employment or visit the DVA website