DVA Provider News article - .

Extension of telehealth and other COVID-19 arrangements

The Government has announced the extension of temporary COVID-19 health arrangements until 30 June 2021.

The Government announced the extension of temporary COVID-19 health arrangements on 14 March 2021.

Providers are able to continue delivering telehealth services for general practitioner (GP), allied health, specialist and community nursing services; and hospital-based mental health and rehabilitation day programs to Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) clients until 30 June.

The Government will continue to review the ongoing role of COVID-19 telehealth to support the pandemic in the short term, while it plans the permanent post-pandemic telehealth arrangements. 

In addition, changes to support access to medicines have been extended. This includes the Home Medicines Service, which provides free home delivery service of medicines for vulnerable groups and people in isolation and access to Continued Dispensing arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic and use of digital prescriptions.

More information on temporary COVID-19 health arrangements can be found on DVA’s COVID-19 information for healthcare providers page.