DVA Provider News article - .

DVA Tender Open – Mental Health Literacy and Suicide Prevention Training for Veterans

DVA is inviting proposals from external suppliers to provide a national series of mental health literacy and suicide prevention training workshops. It is anticipated up to 4000 veterans and members of the wider veteran community will take part in the training.

Funding for the program is available over two financial years; 2023-24 and 2024-25.

To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be incorporated or established by statute in Australia

To be eligible the lead organisation (training provider) will need to be the main driver of the program and have demonstrated experience and a track record in the delivery of mental health literacy and suicide prevention training. Training providers are encouraged to partner with veteran based not for profit organisations.

Funding for this initiative is provided under the 2023-24 Budget measure ‘Supporting Veterans – Volunteer Training in Suicide Recognition and Intervention’, to continue delivering mental health literacy and suicide intervention training for the veteran community.

  • Contact Officer:  Assistant Director, MHWS Strategic Procurement
  • Email: MHWS.Procurement [at] dva.gov.au (MHWS[dot]Procurement[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au)

For more information visit the AusTender website.