Access information about DVA-funded services for elderly DVA clients
DVA is participating in the Aged Care System Navigator Trial to help raise awareness and improve access to DVA programs and services for ageing veterans.
DVA funds a range of aged care programs for eligible veterans, to either live independently in their own homes, after a hospital stay or as they move and live in an aged-care facility.
The Aged Care System Navigator Trial aims to more effectively support older Australians who are trying to understand and access government-funded aged care. The trial enables seniors and their families to get help from aged care system ‘navigators’, either face-to-face, by phone or online, in every state and territory including selected rural and remote areas.
As part of the initiative, DVA is developing training resources for the navigators, as well as interested aged care and health providers, so they can provide information and support specific to the veteran community.
DVA will be partnering with the Council on the Ageing (COTA) and Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) to deliver a series of eight educational webinars about these veteran aged care arrangements.
The webinars will be available to all aged care and health providers who would like to learn more about DVA programs and services.
Topics will include Veterans’ Home Care (VHC), respite care, community nursing, the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP), Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC), moving into an aged-care home with the support of DVA, and other services.
DVA will shortly extend an invitation to providers for the first webinars in the series, to commence in late March. Providers will be able to either participate in the webinars live or access the resource afterwards at the OPAN website, at their convenience.
Find out more about the Aged Care Navigator Trial and details about the trial locations: