New hub to bring tailored services to veterans and families in the Hunter region
The Australian Government has awarded RSL LifeCare a $5 million grant to establish a Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in NSW’s Hunter region.
The new hub will be developed, connecting RSL Sub-branches across the region to provide outreach services into towns such as Port Stephens, Singleton and Muswellbrook.
This is great news for more than 22,000 current and ex-serving personnel and their families living across the Hunter region. The hub and outreach model will provide veterans and families with improved access to programs, services and supports.
In recognition of the differing needs of each veteran community, RSL LifeCare has consulted widely with the Hunter veteran community and will continue ongoing community engagement to ensure the hub continues to meet the needs of local veterans and families.
RSL LifeCare brings significant experience to the establishment of the hub in the Hunter, already operating similar self-funded hubs located in Wagga Wagga, Dee Why and Newcastle, as well as the establishment of the ‘Nowra Veteran Wellbeing Centre’ funded under the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs Program.
RSL LifeCare was also recently awarded grant funding under the Veteran’s and Families’ Hubs Program to establish a hub in Queanbeyan, as part of the Government’s $46.7 million commitment to deliver Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs across the county.
More information about the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs Program can be found on the DVA website.