Institute of Veterans’ Advocates – Consultation

Have your say on the creation of an Institute of Veterans’ Advocates!
The Australian Government is committed to ensuring high quality support is available for Australian veterans and families when they need it.
Advocates are an important part of Australia’s veteran support system. They assist veterans to understand and access support and entitlements from the Government.
The Ex-Service Organisation Roundtable (ESORT) recently established a working group to consider how advocacy services could be strengthened to benefit veterans and families.
The working group has proposed the creation of an Institute of Veterans’ Advocates as a national professional association for veterans’ advocates.
Under the proposal, the Institute would provide leadership and support to veterans’ advocates, set competency and training standards for the sector, and accredit and register advocates. The Institute would similarly establish a code of conduct for advocates and provide members with access to the training and tools they need to deliver high quality advocacy services.
DVA wants to hear your views.
Please read this consultation paper, which provides more detail about the proposal.
It is important to have your say. Submissions can be made via the consultation page.
Submissions are open until Friday, 4 October 2024.
Ultimately, any Government decision on the proposal will take into account the views of the ESORT working group, the feedback received during this consultation process, and any views or recommendations put forward by the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide in its final report due to Government on 9 September 2024.