Fundraiser for Scootaville 2024

A message from the Radschool Association

For several years now, we have been running Scootaville, where a bunch of men and women ride small motor scooters from Brisbane to Townsville, via the long way, to raise money for Legacy and homeless veterans.

This year, Scootaville will take place in both Queensland and NSW. Victoria will get involved next year. The plan is for Scootaville to be a national event by 2027.

The Griffith University Film School has produced this promo video for us: 

To raise as much money as possible for our charities, we hold several events along the way. One such event will be held at the Kedron Wavell Services Club in Brisbane on Thursday night, 29 August, the night before we set sail in Qld. That night we'll have Merv Hughes, Ian Healy and Trev Gillmeister on stage being interviewed by Pat Welsh. Pat will get them to tell of their hysterical and historical moments in sport.

It will be a night to remember. You can book via our website.

If you can, set the night aside and come along, you won't forget it, and please pass on the information to your mates.

For more information on Scootaville 2024, visit the Radschool website.