Enhanced service history information in MyService

We are continuing to improve and expand MyService to make it easier for you to do your DVA business online. Enhancements have been made to the service history feature, to help make the claims process more efficient for DVA clients with greater linkages to your existing PMKeyS data.

We have consolidated Service History data within DVA, using Defence data, DVA systems and MyService.

If we have your PMKeyS number on file, the MyService portal will now display a consolidated service history, including your Service Number within the Profile Service History page, if available.  

If you sign in to MyService and the system encounters any technical issues retrieving your service history information, you will be notified that only limited information is available for you to view at that point in time. If your service history information is not available in MyService, this is temporary, and you will be advised once we have confirmed your service history.

We are working to further modernise our technology, improving the efficiency of the claims administration system and the experience for the veteran community. This program of work will continue to deliver important updates to MyService.

Using MyService you can view your service history at any time and ensure your service history is accurate. For more information on MyService visit www.dva.gov.au/myservice