Can you access the Booked Car with Driver service?

If you’re a Gold or White Card holder with eligibility under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) you may be able to access the Booked Car with Driver (BCWD) service, where DVA arranges taxi or hire car travel on your behalf with no out of pocket expenses. 

The service is designed to meet the needs of clients experiencing vulnerability who meet certain criteria. 

If you’re aged 80 years and older, or living with dementia (any age), or are legally blind (any age), you can access BCWD to attend approved treatment at all locations. 

If you’re aged 79 years or younger, you may still have access if certain medical and treatment location criteria are met. 

White Card holders must also be travelling for treatment of a condition covered by your Card to be eligible.

Improving communication on BCWD is a priority, so we’ve developed an infographic to help you understand if you’re eligible and how you can access the service. 

Visit the Booked Car with Driver webpage to view the infographic and learn more about the service.