National Aged and Community Care Forum

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A forum designed to provide information on the current and future aged care needs of veterans, war widow/widowers and other members of the ex-service community.

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The forum will:

  • be a link between ex-service organisations (ESOs), providers and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) in the dissemination of information on health, aged and community care issues and mental and social health policy
  • provide information on the current and future aged care needs of veterans and war widow/widowers and other members of the ex-service and Defence community including carers
  • be a conduit for developing and proposing better practice residential and community care arrangements for the ex-service community
  • influence future policy directions regarding ageing for the ex-service community
  • monitor developments in the aged care industry and the aged care needs of the ex-service community, including access to residential care
  • consider how DVA better supports people at home with community support.

Terms of reference (DOC 56 KB)

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Membership comprises representatives from the following organisations.

Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) - ChairMr Andrew Kefford PSM, Deputy Secretary
Aged Care Taskforce, DVA - Deputy ChairMs Leanne Cameron
First Assistant Secretary, Aged & Community Care Taskforce
Chief Health Officer, DVAProfessor Jenny Firman
Repatriation CommissionerMr Kahlil Fegan DSC AM
Department of Health and Aged CareMr Mike Pope
Legacy Australia IncMrs Kate Hazelton
Partners of Veterans AssociationMs Raelene Hill
Returned and Services League of AustraliaMs Wendy Bateman
TPI Federation AustraliaMs Pat McCabe OAM
Vietnam Veterans Association of AustraliaMr Terry Roe
Vietnam Veterans' Federation of AustraliaMr Ward Gainey MIEAUST JP
Australian War Widows Inc.Ms Jenny Gregory OAM

Departmental representation will be available as appropriate.

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Meeting schedule

The NACCF meets three times per year.

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Meetings Minutes

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To contact the NACCF Secretariat, please email AMBNHACCF [at] (Aged[dot]CommunityCareForum[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au)

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