Younger Veterans — Contemporary Needs Forum

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This Younger Veterans — Contemporary Needs Forum (YVF) is intended to:

  • assist in identifying priority emerging issues for veterans across the age and conflict spectrum particularly in the areas of mental and social health
  • assist in identifying emerging issues for veterans' families and support networks
  • identify and analyse trends across veteran cohorts and geography and raise awareness of these increasing and common issues with subject-matter experts from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and other state or Commonwealth government departments and agencies as appropriate
  • assist in identifying opportunities for increased engagement with younger veterans who are geographically dislocated or not affiliated with ex-service organisations (ESOs) through the appropriate media and internet technology
  • enhance the ex-service community's understanding of DVA's service delivery performance through information sharing and improved communication between DVA and the ex-service community
  • identify and provide recommendations for improvements in DVA's operational policy to promote quality and accountability in service delivery.
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Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference (DOC 50 KB)

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Department of Veterans' Affairs - ChairMr Kahlil Fegan DSC, AM, 
Repatriation Commissioner
Director, Veteran Engagement, Department of DefenceColonel James Burns
Defence Liaison Officer to DVA
Air Force Association Squadron Leader Dee Cherry
Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans' AssociationMs Jessica Sullivan
Australian Special Air Service AssociationMr Nick Russon
Australian Veterans AllianceMr Matthew Bondarczuk RAN Rtd
Defence Families of AustraliaMs Charlotte Webb
Defence Family Advocate
Legacy Australia Inc.Ms Barbara Boyer
Mates4MatesMs Emma Whitehead
Chief Executive Officer
Modern SoldierTBC
Naval Association of AustraliaLCDR Graham Thomas RAN Rtd
Returned and Services League of AustraliaMr James Dallas
Head of Veteran Services Strategic Projects
Royal Australian Regiment AssociationMr Chris Tilley 
Board Director
Soldier OnMr James Milliss
Senior Program and Engagement Officer
The Warrior's ReturnMr Scott Harris
National Secretary

Departmental representation will be available as appropriate. The forum has the flexibility to invite additional participants relevant to the areas of focus or specific agenda items (including service specific and non-ESO aligned).

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Meeting schedule

The YVF meets three times per year.

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Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes of each YVF meeting are available via the following links:

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To contact the Secretariat of the YVF, email yvf.secretariat [at] (yvf[dot]secretariat[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au)

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