DVA Provider News article - .

Hearing services for your DVA patient

Access the latest information about hearing services available to veterans, including a free brochure that health providers can order.

An audiologist (hearing medical doctor) inspects an elderly woman's ear with an otoscope.

Hearing loss and tinnitus are two of the most common conditions experienced by former Australian Defence Force personnel. Due to the nature of military training and service, veterans of all ages may experience one or both of these conditions.

To inform veterans of the range of hearing services available to them through DVA, the Department has developed a brochure that providers can order with all the latest information.

If you would like to display or make the brochure available to DVA clients in your clinic, you can order copies of the brochure through the DVA website and they will be delivered to you at no cost.

The DVA website also includes a new page for hearing providers to guide you through the options available when prescribing for DVA clients.

DVA supports veterans with service-related hearing loss and tinnitus by funding:

  • Tests to determine if the hearing loss or tinnitus is service-related
  • Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
  • Replacement batteries and hearing aid maintenance
  • Treatment for tinnitus.

For further information about veteran hearing services, please visit the hearing providers page on the DVA web site.