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DVA Chiropractor Fee Schedule update reflects MBS spinal x-ray items

The DVA Chiropractors Schedule of Fees has been updated, effective from 1 February 2019, to reflect Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) limits on referrals for spinal x-rays.

Health provider listening to a patient

This means DVA clients will need a referral for three-and-four region spinal x-ray items from other health providers, such as their general practitioner, as necessary.

One-and-two region spinal x-ray items will also be amended so that chiropractors can only request one service for the same patient, on the same day.

The changes reflect amendments made by the Department of Health to the MBS in late 2017. They were made following the Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Committee’s MBS Review of Imaging for Low Back Pain, which noted: "…three and four region studies have limited clinical utility and should be provided to a carefully selected cohort of patients who may benefit from these services."