EE138 Lancaster Bomber Memorial, Stadil, Denmark
The Memorial has been restored recently and now consists of the original wooden cross, placed in 1943 by the townsfolk, as well as interpretive plaques and a stone with the names of the airmen.
On the 4th of September 1943, while returning to RAF Binbrook Airbase after a raid on Berlin, Lancaster EE138 was shot down by a Luftwaffe night fighter over Stadil, Denmark.
The crew of 8 men in EE138 managed to steer the damaged Lancaster away from the village of Stadil before it crashed on the edge of the Vest Stadil Fjord. All members of the eight-man crew were killed in the crash, and 7 still lie entombed within the fuselage buried in the soft soil at the crash site.
As a mark of gratitude and respect the local community erected a wooden cross at the crash site, and later a plaque, which they have tended for more than 65 years. In 2008 funding was provided through the Overseas Privately-Constructed Memorials Restoration Program to restore the memorial.
Construction Information
With considerable danger to themselves, the local community built a wooden cross in 1943, which read: 'Minde over faldne allierede Flyvere', translated as 'In memory of fallen Allied Airmen'. In 1950 the local Stadil community took a collection and erected an engraved granite memorial stone at the crash site.
In 1993, as part of the 50th commemoration of the crash, an information plaque was also erected nearby. In 2004, the crash site was visited by a crew member’s relative. At that time it was evident how much appreciation and care was shown in the presentation of the garden, the memorial stone and surrounds at the EE138 crash site. However, the Memorial and information plaque required upgrading and restoration. This project, funded by the Australian Government through the Overseas Privately-Constructed Memorial Restoration Program, was completed by relatives and the local community in August 2008 and dedicated on 4 September, the 65th anniversary of the crash. Relatives, local community and government representatives attended the re-dedication service.
The new Memorial gives more details about events of that night, presented in 3 languages, and includes more detailed information about the crew of EE138 and 460 Squadron.
S.W. intersection Stadiløvøj & Mollebyvej, Stadil, Denmark.
From Copenhagen head northwest on the 02 which becomes route 21. Turn onto the 04 then merge onto the E20. Take exit 73-Korskro to get onto route 11 heading toward Varde. Turn right at route 11/route 28/Ringvejen and continue on route 28. Turn left at route 15 and right onto route 28 (Novej) then right onto Holstebrovej (28). Turn left onto Stadilvej and then left onto Skelmosevej.