Elands River Post Memorial
Also known as the Boer War Memorial or the Australian Bushmen's Memorial: there are a number of memorials related to the battle at Elands River located within the Swartruggens Cemetery. The Australian memorial is a concrete monument with an inscribed plaque and is located at the grave site of the four Australians killed in the siege.
The Siege of the Elands River Staging Post took place on 4 - 16 August 1900. This stand became one of the most remarkable engagements of the Boer War in which Australian Troops played a major part.
The small post was established to act as a half-way house for convoys proceeding between Rustenburg and Zeerust and vice versa. As well as a telegraph station it had an ammunitions store, military supplies, wagons, horses, mules and cattle. It was garrisoned, under the leadership of Colonel Charles Hore, by some 500 British Colonial troops, almost 300 of those were Australians from Citizen Bushmen contingents, the most senior being Major Walter Tunbridge. The remainder of the soldiers were mainly from Rhodesia (as it was then known). On 4 August the post was besieged by Boer forces under General J H de la Rey. The unprepared and inexperienced garrison had little opportunity to respond effectively and by days end had suffered 32 casualties and most of the animals had been killed. The Australians who the day before had no enthusiasm towards the necessity to dig trenches now went about their task with renewed vigour at every break in the shelling. A relief force from the west commanded by General Carrington was driven back by the Boers and another from the east commanded by General Baden-Powell failed to relieve them. Despite being outgunned, outnumbered and completely surrounded, the notion of surrender never entered the heads of the soldiers. After almost two weeks, General de la Rey left with most of the Boers and the intensity of the siege reduced, fire was sporadic and then ceased altogether.
When news that Colonel Hore was holding out reached General Lord Kitchener, he set out towards Elands River and on 16 August arrived, having covered 35 miles in 30 hours. By nightfall as many as 10,000 troops had passed through the camp and Kitchener's convoy alone was over 10 miles long.
Out of the six memorials erected to commemorate the casualties of the Elands River Post, half are dedicated to the men from the Australian colonies.
Construction Information
Bronze plaque arranged and sculpted by Dr Ross Bastiaan.
Fouche St, Swartruggens, South Africa.
From Johannesburg take the R24 to Magaliesburg then the R509 to Swartruggens. Turn left onto Andries Pretorius St, continue onto Sarel Cillier St then turn right onto Fouche St. The Memorial is located within the Swartruggens Cemetery.