Volunteers required for Alzheimer’s disease study in Melbourne
By Austin Health
Austin Health in Melbourne is conducting a research project called 'Alzheimer’s risk several decades after brain injury'.
We are currently recruiting Vietnam veteran volunteers with traumatic brain injury.
The purpose of this research is to help identify, prevent and target treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in Australian veterans.
Information collected from this study will assist in the future care of veterans.
Professor Christopher Rowe of Austin Health is conducting this study.
The project requires 80 Australian veterans with and without history of traumatic brain injury, aged over 60.
Participation in the study will involve five appointments at Austin Health and Melbourne University.
These include: a screening interview to assess eligibility, a cognitive assessment, an MRI brain scan, and two PET brain scans.
You will receive $400 for your participation in the study; we can also provide taxi vouchers for participants living within a two-hour drive of the visit site, for each visit, when required.
If you are interested, please contact Rodney Guzman on 03 9496 5534 or rodney.guzman [at] austin.org.au (rodney[dot]guzman[at]austin[dot]org[dot]au)