Virtual transition seminars on the way
ADF members and their families will now be able to access a virtual transition seminar from mid-August, with information shared through virtual stalls from providers such as DVA, Open Arms and the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Program.
DVA will continue our support to this new-look seminar with online presentations and host live chats with Veteran Support Officers, veterans and their families on the interactive day to be held on August 19.
Over 1,000 transitioning ADF members have been invited to attend the first session, with further sessions expected to commence from September.
Keep an eye on the Defence Community Organisation website for upcoming dates. DVA’s VSOs have returned to all Defence bases, with the exception of Victorian bases, to recommence face-to-face appointments with ADF members in line with safe social distancing restrictions. To arrange an appointment with a VSO, please email vso [at] (vso[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au).