Tinnitus Week – experience better hearing with DVA
Tinnitus, which is common among veterans, is a persistent ringing, buzzing or hissing sound in your ears. The loudness and pitch of this sound can vary.
Veterans of all ages may experience either tinnitus or hearing loss because of their exposure to loud noise during military training and service.
Tinnitus can impact many areas of your life, such as your relationships and your ability to rest or sleep well. It affects everyone differently and, at times, can be difficult to live with.
DVA funds hearing devices and services for clients who hold a DVA Gold Card or a White Card with accepted conditions of hearing loss and/or tinnitus. Such clients who have a clinical need can access a range of hearing services and devices at no cost. This includes your assessment, fitting, training and the maintenance and repairs of items prescribed.
If you are a White Card holder and believe your hearing loss or tinnitus is a result of your service, then DVA will fund your appointment and any tests to determine if your condition is related to your service.
If you are a DVA client but not a veteran, you can check your eligibility for the Hearing Services Program (HSP) on the Department of Health’s website or call 1800 500 726.
For more information on how DVA can support veterans with hearing loss and/or tinnitus, visit www.dva.gov.au/hearing.