Free 12-month health and fitness program from the Heart Health Program

DVA’s Heart Health Program improves veterans’ physical health through exercise, nutritional education and lifestyle management.

The department has been working with Corporate Health Management (CHM) to deliver a 12-month program to eligible veterans.

The Heart Health Program is fully funded by DVA and aims to help you increase your physical health and general wellbeing. The goal of the program is to help veterans build their own daily routine for exercise and a balanced diet that will continue long after the program is complete.

There are two ways the Heart Health program can be delivered: through the Heart Health Group Program or individually at a time and pace that suits your lifestyle. Programs run in metropolitan areas and rural and remote areas, allowing participants still working or retired, studying or with other time constraints to join in and feel the benefits. 

Both include access to a team of health and fitness experts, custom food diary reviews by a qualified nutritionist, a participant manual and an aftercare program to ensure you are maintaining your goals.

The program caters for all levels of fitness, health and mobility and people of any age. Qualified trainers provide a safe environment to allow all participants to improve their health and fitness at their own pace.

The Heart Health program is open to veterans and peacekeepers with operational experience and Australian Defence Force Firefighter Scheme participants.

If this sounds like the challenge you want to take for a new you in 2023, visit the Heart Health program website for further information on eligibility and program locations.

Veterans who need further information are encouraged to contact CHM on 1300 246 262, DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) or Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling on 1800 011 046.