Emergency relief services
The Australian Government is providing $100 million to bolster the capability of charities and community organisations that provide emergency and food relief to those in need. A further $100 million will be provided where needed.
The Community Support Package offers flexible funding to boost support for Australians, including veterans, who may:
- need assistance with bills, food, clothing or petrol
- be experiencing financial difficulty, including through debt.
The $100 million will be distributed in the following way:
- $37 million to be shared among almost 200 Commonwealth-funded emergency relief organisations
- $7 million to be provided to the Red Cross over the next six months
- $16 million to be shared by food relief providers Foodbank Australia, SecondBite and OzHarvest
- $20 million for financial counselling services including the National Debt Helpline, Money Support Hubs and Problem Gambling
- $20 million for the Good Shepherd to offer 40,000 Australians access to safe, affordable financial products through the No Interest Loan Scheme.