The bushfire crisis
The bushfire crisis earlier in the year directly affected more than 50,000 DVA clients. DVA implemented a range of measures to assist them including: a pause on debt recovery, the provision of rent assistance or crisis payments, and waiving the need for affected veterans or their families to produce evidence to submit new claims. We prioritised claims and reviews where there was an increase or granting of pension for impacted veterans, and members of the veteran community could access the Australian Government’s Disaster Recovery Payment. DVA identified 128 at-risk veterans managed within the Client Support Framework, and reached out to make sure they received the support they needed.
We did our best to support clients, whether it be through medical assistance, finding accommodation, mental health support, financial and insurance assistance or help in cleaning up fire-affected properties.
In addition, the Government is providing $76 million through the National Bushfire Recovery Fund for mental health services and support.
Many serving Australian Defence Personnel, Reservists and veterans used their unique skills in firefighting activities and disaster recovery efforts.
If you think we could be of assistance to you, please get in touch on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) or generalenquiries [at] (generalenquiries[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au).