RSL sub-branch undertakes ‘Tour of Duty’ to Tasmania
A message from North Beach RSL Sub-Branch, Western Australia
Each year a new location is selected by North Beach RSL Sub-Branch for its annual Tour of Duty. The destination selected needs to have significant historical and military interest. This year Tasmania, with Hobart as the hub, was chosen for its one-week Tour.
Forty members participated in the self-funded Tour in March. The Tours are structured so all can participate, as the age and fitness level of members varied.
To ease them in to the days ahead, the first day consisted of a leisurely visit to Salamanca Markets, sailing on the Lady Nelson, lunch overlooking Sullivans Cove, and a visit to the Mawson’s Hut Museum. A very good introduction to Hobart. The following days were spent exploring Mount Field National Park and Russell Falls, visiting the Army Museum at Anglesea Barracks and enjoying the views of Hobart from Kunanyi / Mount Wellington.
Further afield tours to the Central Highlands and to visit the Wall in the Wilderness and a trip through the Huon Valley, visiting the Apple Museum, and arriving at the colourful Dover RSL for lunch overlooking Port Esperance Bay. Other tours included Port Arthur and Richmond.
A significant tour called for an early start as it involved a trip to Tasmania’s north to see countryside and visit the Scottsdale Military Museum, with its Gallipoli mural out the front. The museum brought some memories back. Gordon, who served with the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery’s 131 Divisional Locating Battery in Vietnam, sat on the floor of the Iroquois helicopter to show where he was when it came under attack. He was shot in the leg from beneath and the US Army door gunner was killed. A very powerful memory, not only for Gordon, but all the group.
The opportunity was taken to visit Legerwood, where nine trees were planted in 1918 for the fallen of the First World War. In 2001, they were declared dangerous and were to be removed. Fortunately, the stumps were saved and carved into the likeness of the men they were dedicated to. Well worth a visit to this small community that has preserved its military history.
All participants enjoyed the Tour, and it provided the opportunity to visit Tasmania’s military-related sites and museums, its natural attractions, rich historical sites, and to enjoy local products. Sub-Branch photographer and Facebook editor Jon McKenzie summed it up by saying, ‘there were numerous sites of natural and historical interest, stunning photography opportunities, as well as not to be passed up, Tasmania’s famous scallop pies’.
Organised by Sub-Branch President John Rolfe and his team, this year’s Tour of Duty was an outstanding success, as were the Sub-Branch’s previous Tours to Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Darwin, Geraldton, Merredin, Albany and Rottnest.
Brian Jennings, North Beach RSL Sub-Branch
Below: Vietnam veteran Gordon in the Iroquois helicopter at Scottsdale Military Museum; bottom: the North Beach RSL group at Legerwood Carved Memorial Trees