Have your say on the housing and homelessness plan
The Australian Government is committed to supporting veterans who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless so they have access to the services and supports they and their families need, including through its $30 million commitment to support at risk veterans through the Housing Australia Future Fund.
The Government has committed to an ambitious housing agenda and the establishment of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan (the Plan) for release in 2024, a 10-year strategy which will set out a shared vision to improve housing outcomes and help address homelessness in Australia.
The Plan will consider the housing system as a whole, providing an opportunity to better unite governments and sectors and will identify key short, medium and long-term reforms needed to improve outcomes across the housing spectrum and address homelessness.
The Plan is an opportunity to provide a better understanding of the current state of housing and homelessness in Australia and what is contributing to homelessness and housing insecurity; as well as a long-term vision for the future of housing and homelessness policy in Australia. The Australian Government is committed to an ambitious housing agenda which will boost the supply of all housing.
An Issues Paper has been released which provides an overview of different parts of the housing and homelessness systems. The Plan will be developed in collaboration with key stakeholders. This includes state, territory and local governments, not-for-profit and civil society organisations, industry bodies, superannuation funds and other experts in housing, finance and urban development.
Focus areas of the Plan will be informed by extensive public consultation and will consider challenges faced by groups who may experience additional barriers, both in access to housing and in engaging in the consultation process.
Individuals and organisations from the veteran community are invited to share their views, which to help inform the development of the Plan. A range of online and face-to-face forums will also be held across Australia. These consultations will also seek to engage specialised groups across the housing sector, including those from the veteran community.
You are invited to share your ideas and experiences by either responding to guided, short-form questions or lodging a written submission through the Department of Social Services engagement webpage.
Homelessness is a key issue faced by veterans and raised at the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. Any veteran who finds themselves homeless or at risk of homelessness is encouraged to contact DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) or Open Arms on 1800 011 046 who will help them to access appropriate support.
For a list of Homelessness Support Services visit: www.dva.gov.au/homelessness-support.