Have your say on the Defence and Veteran Family Support Strategy

This survey has now closed.

The Australian Government, through the Departments of Veterans’ Affairs and Defence, is developing a Defence and Veteran Family Support Strategy to guide how the Government provides support to families of current and former serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members.

We want to ensure families have a voice in the strategy’s development. A short survey asking questions on your family, areas of importance to you and how you like to engage with DVA and Defence is now open.

We want to hear from family members, aged 18 years or older, of current or former serving ADF members including those who have passed away. We also want to hear from current or former serving ADF members themselves, including those who are single parents or part of a dual serving couple.

All responses are anonymous and data collected will be kept confidential and secure, and will be used in the development of the strategy which is planned for release in 2023. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.

One way you can provide your input into the strategy’s development is through this short survey. The survey is now open and closes on Friday 6 January 2023.

We will be consulting widely on the development of the strategy through many methods and forums.  There will be further opportunities to provide your feedback as the strategy is developed.  Keep your eye out for updates in the new year on our consultation process.