Electric scooters and wheelchairs

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Information about electric scooters, electric wheelchairs and other electric mobility aids that are available from the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).

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What is an electric scooter?

An electric scooter is an electrically powered vehicle with three or more wheels intended for use by persons with impaired mobility.

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What is an electric wheelchair?

An electric wheelchair is an electrically powered wheelchair intended for use by persons with impaired mobility, paraplegia or quadriplegia.

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Am I eligible for an electric scooter/electric wheelchair?

You are eligible for an electric scooter/electric wheelchair if you are a veteran who is:

  • a Veteran Gold Card holder with a clinically assessed need for the item due to a condition that impacts on your mobility; or
  • a Veteran White Card holder with a clinically assessed need arising from your war-caused or service related injury or disease or condition covered for under the Treatment Principles .

War widows/widowers and dependants are not eligible for an electric scooter or electric wheelchair through RAP.

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How do I request an electric scooter/wheelchair?

Electric scooters/wheelchairs require a comprehensive assessment process and, therefore, the supply of each item needs prior approval from DVA.

Your general practioner (GP) or medical specialist will request an electric scooter/wheelchair from DVA by using the form Medical Questionnaire. This request will include the provision of information on the clinical conditions that impact your mobility.

If DVA determines you are eligible for an assessment for the provision of an electric scooter/wheelchair, the GP will be requested to refer you to an occupational therapist (OT) for the assessment which will include an assessment of your ability safely use the electric mobility aid.

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What is the next step?

After the OT assessment has taken place, the OT will submit an assessment report to DVA via the Scooter/Electric Wheelchair Assessment Form. The OT may then:

  • be given the approval to trial an electric scooter/wheelchair
  • arrange a trial of a suitable make/model to meet your clinical need, and
  • submit a final recommendation to DVA.

DVA has many electric scooters and electric wheelchairs on contract that may be suitable for your needs. Several trials may be required to establish the most suitable make/model for you. Once an electric scooter/wheelchair is supplied, you may be required to undertake a regular reassessment to ensure your continued safe use of the equipment.

DVA will also arrange and pay for replacement parts and/or repairs to your electric scooter or wheelchair where they are not covered under the warranty period. Use the contacts listed below to arrange for repairs and maintenance. Please do not attempt repairs to the electric scooter or wheelchair yourself.

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What other electric mobility aids are available?

In certain circumstances, your OT may recommend other types of electric mobility aids.

A power assist device is an electrically powered device that can be mounted onto a manual wheelchair to assist you to operate the wheelchair independently. Eligibility for power assist devices is the same as for electric scooters and electric wheelchairs.

A carer-operated wheelchair power pack is a small electric motorised drive that attaches to a manual wheelchair to assist your carer to propel the wheelchair via controls mounted on the push bars. These are only available where your carer is unable to propel the wheelchair unassisted and you are unable to safely operate an electric wheelchair or electric scooter. Eligibility for carer-operated wheelchair power packs includes war widows/widowers and dependants.

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