CWGC Memorial to the Missing, Ambon War Cemetery
Known as Ambon Memorial: the memorial is in the form of a shelter and stands on the first of several terraces within the Ambon War Cemetery.
Standing on the first terrace within the Ambon War Cemetery will be found the Ambon Memorial. This memorial, in the form of a shelter, commemorates officers and men of the Australian forces who have no known grave. Many of those commemorated here died in the defence of Ambonia in the early months of the war against Japan and others were killed in the Allied assault on Japanese air bases established on Ambonia and Celebes. A large number perished in Japanese prisoner of war camps.
Construction Information
No information available at this time.
Ambon, Indonesia.
The Office of Australian War graves advises that the Australian High Commission in Jakarta be contacted before attempting to visit.
The gates to the Cemetery are normally kept locked but entry can be made through the side entrance and the resident head gardener's accommodation. A notice to this effect is situated outside the main cemetery gates.
The location or design of this site makes wheelchair access impossible.
Ambon island lies close to the south west coast of Ceram in the Molucca Group of islands. It is reached by air from Jakarta with connecting flights at Ujung Pandang in Sulawesi (Celebes). Ambon War Cemetery (known locally as the Australian Cemetery) is on the opposite side of the bay to the airport. It can be reached by taxi travelling around the bay to Ambon town, or there is a ferry service across the bay which brings you to Ambon town. The Cemetery is 5 kilometres north-east of Ambon on the main road to Galala.