Client Support Program

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Since 2007 the department has introduced a number of support programs as a result of various recommendations, including the Client Liaison Unit, Case Coordination Program and the Service Coordination Program.

The department received additional funding in the 2015 Budget as a result of a New Policy Proposal to increase the number of Case Coordinators, with the outcome being the development of the Coordinated Client Support (CCS) service model.

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What is Coordinated  Client Support (CSS)?

CCS is an internal DVA support service provided to contemporary veterans and dependants identified as having complex and multiple needs. Identified clients are referred into the program by departmental staff, and are assessed based on the following model:

Level 1 Self-manage, Level 2 Guided Support, Level 3 Comprehensive Support

Where a client requires management at Level 2 or Level 3, a Coordinator is appointed for a limited time period to assist that client to navigate their DVA entitlements and access other critical support services. The intent of the service is to assist with identified needs, with a view to transitioning back to ‘business as usual’ arrangements.

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How do clients access CCS?

The CCS currently accepts referrals from DVA staff, Open Arms and the ADF. All referrals are assessed by experienced Intake Coordinators, who determine if acceptance into the CCS is appropriate. This involves calling the client to discuss their circumstances, and allocating a CCS Coordinator in the event Level 2 or Level 3 support is required.

External parties such as representatives of ex-service organisations, medical practitioners, and other Government agencies can request to refer a client to CCS by contacting the Veterans’ Access Network (VAN) or other departmental staff, such as Claims Assessors. Our staff will discuss the client’s circumstances with the requesting party, and submit a referral for consideration by CCS where appropriate. It's important that the client’s consent has been obtained prior to requesting the referral.

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What is excluded?

CCS does not:

  • Provide a crisis management service
  • Undertake any processing role or investigate or determine a client’s entitlements/claims, nor does participation provide prioritisation of claims
  • Provide clinical case management services or counselling
  • Provide advocacy
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What to do if someone threatens self-harm or harm to others

If you need immediate emergency assistance, please call 000.

For immediate counselling, advice and support:

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How to contact CCS

Please contact DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) if you wish to discuss a referral to CCS.

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