MyService is an online platform accessed through myGov that allows you to manage your DVA services online. The MyService homepage is your personalised control center. Everyone's homepage is different depending on their circumstances. At the top of your homepage you can see what tasks you need to complete, the number of claims you've submitted, your last payment amount and for some, upcoming trips to the doctor, allied health professional or specialist you have already booked. You can apply for services and benefits from your homepage and make claims here. Stay on top of your personal information. You can also see your card details and if relevant to you the ability to report changes to your circumstances. To recap, MyService is an online platform accessed through your myGov account. Call us to get your activation code and link to the Department of Veterans Affairs. If you need to register for MyService, the amount of proof of identity documentation required depends on your service status. Your MyService homepage is personalised to your circumstances. We're here to support you. If you have any questions, call us on 1800-VETERAN or go to our website at