Preliminary Gulf War Nominal Roll

Last updated:

This Preliminary Gulf War Nominal Roll, prepared by the Department of Veterans' Affairs in Canberra, lists Australian Defence Force personnel involved in that conflict. It includes all personnel involved in the hostilities and associated operations in the Persian Gulf from August 1990 to September 1991.

Contact with DVA regarding this Roll should be by telephoning the Nominal Roll toll free hotline 1300 780 133 (local call charge) or by email to nominal.rolls [at] (nominal[dot]rolls[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au) or by writing to:

The Director
Nominal Rolls
Department of Veterans' Affairs
GPO Box 9998

The index relates to the surname of each individual.

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1873
Surname Initials Service number Sort ascending Unit
O’Dell AD W411270 33 Squadron
Trimble DM W322816 33 Squadron
Nunan TR W236151 33 Squadron
Adams MJ W132408 33 Squadron
Maye PJ W131530 33 Squadron
Gilliland KM W130987 33 Squadron
Lehfeldt TA W130717 33 Squadron
Barratt JJ W117023 HMAS Westralia
White JL R148664 HMAS Sydney
Lewis TJ O63180 37 Squadron
Kramarczuk AE O59606 37 Squadron
Bartlett DJ O57544 33 Squadron
Foley JW O56537 33 Squadron
Newman C O513322 37 Squadron
O’Neil CE O512758 34 Squadron
Smithers AL O512047 37 Squadron
Banks AD O511448 34 Squadron
Granger MD O511214 34 Squadron
Orton JW O47269 USNS Comfort, 23 Squadron
Gameau MJ O412384 37 Squadron
Bihrenbrodt S O411954 37 Squadron
Garside MD O411428 37 Squadron
Mayfield MP O411247 36 Squadron
Chennell ID O411088 37 Squadron
Blieschke TA O411011 37 Squadron
Bishop DD O410742 36 Squadron
Bryant MJ O325659 37 Squadron
Vogel RG O325657 34 Squadron
Banks IA O325502 37 Squadron
Dodd AJ O325236 37 Squadron
Griggs WM O325130 USNS Comfort, 24 Squadron
Holland MC O324862 37 Squadron
Bellenger SP O324686 37 Squadron
Bekker S O324568 37 Squadron
Bromley S O324542 33 Squadron
Robinson GD O323680 USNS Comfort, 6 HOSP
Sutherland DB O323546 RAAF Wash
Muffet PG O323113 34 Squadron
Oddie SJ O322835 RAFEx11
Hammond OJ O322023 RAAFSUCAN
Capps RA O320869 USNS Comfort, 24 Squadron
Brauman JD O237209 37 Squadron
Piper GA O236486 37 Squadron
O’Brien CJ O236484 ADILO/Wash
Wilcox DG O236348 37 Squadron
Wiggins MJ O236303 33 Squadron
Hunter JT O235736 34 Squadron
Fishpool PK O235486 36 Squadron
Vidler AN O235132 33 Squadron
Lovatt RJ O235126 34 Squadron
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