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Providers and ESOs
DVA Online Services modernises transactions for service providers such as transport bookings and invoicing.
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If life is in danger, call 000.
Open Arms
Free counselling, treatment programs and suicide prevention training.
1800 011 046
Helps ADF personnel and their families access mental health services.
1800 628 036
Crisis support and suicide prevention help.
13 11 14
Help for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
1800 737 732
Knee Walker and Scooter - Trial (3 months)
Yes, Mobility & Functional Support
Prescribed following referral by an orthopaedic surgeon when the surgeons protocol requires non-weight bearing of foot or ankle post-surgical care.
Functional and safety assessment including education should be undertaken by the hospital physiotherapist for indoor and outdoor use.
If at the end of the 3 months trial, an ongoing need for the equipment is required. Please see Knee Walker and Scooter AP07
D9160 Form - Request for trial of equipment
Prescribed following referral by an orthopaedic surgeon when the surgeons protocol requires non-weight bearing of foot or ankle post-surgical care.
Functional and safety assessment including education should be undertaken by the hospital physiotherapist for indoor and outdoor use.
If at the end of the 3 months trial, an ongoing need for the equipment is required. Please see Knee Walker and Scooter AP07
D9160 Form - Request for trial of equipment