Unveiling of the Dungog and District Honour Roll 1975 onwards
By Martin Holmes CSM, Dungog RSL Sub-branch
It was a proud day on Saturday 2 April when the Dungog RSL Sub-branch unveiled its honour roll for modern veterans: the Dungog and District Honour Roll 1975 onwards. It was a project conceived by the Project Officer, Martin Holmes, to recognise the modern veterans alongside earlier honour rolls from the First and Second World Wars and the Vietnam War. The project was supported by a grant from the DVA Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program.
The President of RSL NSW, Ray James, and the President Dungog RSL Sub-branch, Neil Tickle, unveiled the Honour Roll. It was well attended with 80 guests at the local Dungog Memorial RSL Club.
The Dungog district has a long history of military service and so the call went out for local modern veterans to be identified. Eventually 12 veterans were able to be contacted that made the eligibility criteria of warlike service with an affiliation to Dungog district, in keeping with previous honour rolls. There are more veterans to be added and the honour roll has been made open ended to achieve this goal.
Most of the veterans had Iraq and Afghanistan service but Warrant Officer Class 2 Ken Smith, currently serving, had both Rwanda 1994 and Afghanistan 2011 service recorded. It was a very proud moment for the veterans, their families and friends as they appreciated having their service locally recognised. Many of the veterans also had family on the earlier honour rolls and now feel part of the veteran fraternity.

The official RSL party and recipients present at the unveiling ceremony. From left: Martin Holmes (Project Officer), Neil Tickle (President Dungog RSL Sub-branch), Brendon Pritchard, Glen Burns, Collin Lord, Ray James (President RSL NSW), WO2 Ken Smith, Nick Barnes, Chris Budden, Danny Livesay.