Professional Coaching Program for transitioning Clearance Divers
Change is often difficult, but for personnel transitioning from the Australian Defence Force, it can be particularly challenging due to the unique nature of military service. In a recent survey of ex-serving Clearance Divers by the Navy Clearance Diver Trust (NCDT):
- 34% find their civilian jobs boring;
- 37% are not satisfied with their current careers;
- 73% found transition difficult; and
- 63% have felt trapped or depressed at some time since leaving.
To assist CDs in their transition, the NCDT has established the CD Professional Coaching program (CDPC). The CDPC brings together funding and professional coaching resources for transitioning or recently transitioned Clearance Divers.
The CDPC program matches each transitioning Clearance Diver with a certified coach, who will then work with them on an individual basis as they develop a personal plan for a successful civilian career / life. Professional coaching is not therapy, counselling, mentoring, consulting, training, or athletic development. Coaches honour the CD as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every Clearance Diver is creative and resourceful.
This process can help Clearance Divers dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while growing leadership skills and unlocking potential.
How to sign up
Serving Royal Australian Navy Clearance Divers have the option to nominate for participation in the program about 12 months prior to their transition date.
Ex-serving Clearance Divers can sign up at any point if they are re-thinking their career direction. This can be after transition, if they find their civilian job is not what they expected, or if they are looking to chase new opportunities.
If you would like to know more about the CDPC, please contact the program coordinator via email at cdpcprogcoord [at] (cdpcprogcoord[at]ncdt[dot]org[dot]au).
More information on the Navy Clearance Diver Trust website