Veterans to benefit from changes to pensions

From today, some veterans and families will see an increase in their pensions following the largest indexation increase in 12 years.  

You don’t have to do anything to receive the payment increase – it will be automatically included in your payment. Pension recipients include veterans, their partners, war widows and widowers.

Some of the pensions to see increases include the maximum rate of single Service Pension which will rise by $38.90 per fortnight, and the pension paid to war widow(er)s rising by $39.60 per fortnight. Likewise Disability Compensation Payments will increase by $59.90 per fortnight for the Special Rate, $33.20 for the Extreme Disablement Adjustment rate, and $21.30 for the 100% General Rate of Disability Compensation Payment.

For a full list of pension rates please visit the DVA Payments Rates page.