Veteran Health Check reminder

Transitioning can be a busy and challenging time for veterans and their families. There are many competing — finding a new home, new schools and a new job. Your health can often be forgotten.

The impact of the bushfires is still being felt across the nation and may present additional health challenges to veterans and their families.

DVA understands these challenges and is committed to providing veterans with easier access to health care, particularly in times of crisis. All Australian Defence Force (ADF) members who transition on or after 1 July 2019, and who have served at least one day of continuous full-time service, can access a comprehensive fully-funded health assessment from their GP each year for the first five years following transition.

The Veteran Health Check is specifically designed for veterans and can be accessed through your community or family GP. It can help you and your GP identify and support the onset of physical and mental health conditions that are common in the years following transition. Your GP may make referrals for additional tests, treatment or assessments by other health professionals, and can refer you to relevant DVA services or programs.

You will need your DVA Health Card to access annual Veteran Health Checks. Make sure to check that your GP accepts DVA Health Cards when making an appointment.

If you transitioned from the ADF prior to 1 July 2019, you will still be able to access a one-off comprehensive Veteran Health Check (also known as the one-off ADF post-discharge health assessment) from your GP at any time after you transition. A Medicare rebate is available for this.

To find out more, including how to apply for your DVA Health Card, please visit the Veterans’ Health Check page of the DVA website or watch our YouTube video.