That’s a wrap on Veterans’ Health Week 2022

This year’s theme of Eat Well aimed to promote healthy eating and nutrition knowledge to veterans and families. Across the week, veterans, families and the broader community participated in events held by ex-service organisations and community groups to support healthy eating and good nutrition.

By using #VeteransHealthWeek we were able to follow along and share some of the fantastic events being held across the country on our Facebook page. These events included (but certainly were not limited to) Saltwater Veterans taking wheelchair users and veteran community members to the seas in yachts and enjoying a ‘sailors meal’ of healthy, fresh produce from local businesses. Many organisations held picnics and BBQs at parks and playgrounds, which were perfect for all ages.

Participants also made their own smoothies with a blender powered by a stationary exercise bike at the Peace Community Centre picnic. RSL Victoria had meals prepared by celebrity chefs and dieticians, and Buddy Up Australia enjoyed book clubs and art classes with delicious morning and afternoon teas. Our four-legged friends weren’t forgotten with Overwatch Australia hosting a veterans paws walk, which also included a free blood pressure check and sugar monitor reading. The list goes on!

To read more about some of these great events, search the hashtag (#VeteransHealthWeek) or visit the DVA Facebook page to see a few of them featured!

Thank you to everyone involved in this year’s Veteran’s Health Week, whether you hosted an event, attended or shared and promoted this fantastic week.

Images from top to bottom: Pearce Community Centre – picnic and smoothie bike; Mooloolaba Yacht Club, Queensland; Alstonville RSL Sub Branch, NSW; Buddy Up Australia – Art class; Buddy Up Australia – Books n Banter; Veteran gym class, Fitness First, Doreen, Victoria

Pearce Community Centre bike
Pearce Community Centre bike 2
Mooloolaba Yacht Club


Alstonville RSL Sub Branch


Buddy Up Australia – Art class


Buddy Up Australia – Books n Banter


Fitness First (Doreen) – Veteran gym class