North West Tasmania Veteran Welfare Board to lead the Burnie Veterans’ and Families’ Hub

Veterans and families across North West Tasmania will soon benefit from the development of a Hub in Burnie. The North West Tasmania Veteran Welfare Board has been named as the lead organisation to establish the Veterans' and Families' Hub.

Burnie will be the second region in Tasmania to receive funding through the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub program.

The Board is made up of members of the veteran community, and is already providing services to veterans and families in and around Burnie. The Board is being awarded a $2.2 million grant from the Australian Government to establish a larger presence allowing for regional outreach and the delivery of localised services such as mental and physical health, wellbeing support, advocacy, employment and housing advice.

As announced in the October 2022-23 Budget, the Australian Government has committed a further $46.7 million in funding for the establishment of eight new hubs as well as the continued development of hubs in Tasmania and Southeast Queensland.

We look forward to seeing the new Burnie Veterans' and Families' Hub help more veterans and families across the region.

If you’d like further information on Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs, please visit Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs | Department of Veterans' Affairs (