New approach strengthens ADF ties with civilian employers
Recent events have again highlighted the important role Reservists play in delivering current and future Defence capability. Effective relationships with employers of Reservists are critical to support recruitment, retention and active participation.
Head Joint Support Services Division within Defence, Rear Admiral Brett Wolski AM RAN said the development of a new engagement framework highlights the importance of positive relationships with these key ADF stakeholders.
‘Defence’s new Strategic Relationship Model uses a tiered approach to relationships with employers at the national, state and local level,’ he said.
‘Our Reserve and Employer Support staff across Australia will manage relationships with employers and reservists at the local level, developing and maintaining relationships through inviting employer participation in various engagement activities.’
While currently on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions, a comprehensive employer engagement program provides employers with an opportunity to see and experience first-hand what Reservists do.
At the national and state level, Reserve and Employer Support teams will work with organisations and industries that employ Reservists with skillsets that support areas of current or emerging capability need.
Support activities include annual state and national Employer Support Awards to acknowledge Reservists’ employers, and policy and advice for both Reservists and employers about the Reserve Service Protection Act 2001, which protects employees rendering ADF service.
‘This new model will help the ADF better target employer engagement by focusing on areas of current and emerging strategic capability need, and developing mutually beneficial relationships,’ Admiral Wolski said.
For more information on Reservist and employer support, visit the Defence Reserves Support website.
Australian Army Reservist Sapper Andrew Barrie from 13 Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers at a police control point on the Brand Highway at Hill River, Western Australia. Photo: Department of Defence.