Mental health support for White Card holders
Services delivered as part of the Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Program have been expanded, with Veteran White Card holders with an accepted mental health condition now eligible to receive coordinated support for their health and wellbeing needs.
The CVC Program is a proactive coordinated care program administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for veterans with one or more chronic conditions and complex care needs. The program reduces unplanned hospitalisation and improves the quality of life for participants.
As part of the Australian Government’s commitment to addressing veteran mental health and suicide prevention, the inclusion of Veteran White Card holders with accepted mental health conditions has the aim of ensuring positive, long-term health impacts for new participants.
The CVC Program engages the General Practitioner (GP), practice nurse and the participant at the centre of a multi-disciplinary care team to develop and deliver a meaningful, comprehensive care plan.
The expansion will enable GPs and practice nurses to better support this cohort in meeting their health needs and also through improving the participants’ health literacy and self-management of their condition/s.
Eligible Veteran White Card holders with an accepted mental health condition can be enrolled in the CVC Program by their GP from 1 July 2021.
For more information on the CVC Program and eligibility visit