DSH Insurance and COVID-19

As part of how we do business, if it is necessary for our providers to attend your home to undertake repairs or assess damage, we will first ask you a range of questions regarding the health of your household. This will be part of our initial triage of any claims lodged.

Questions will include if any members of your household are currently under any periods of isolation or quarantine and if you or any family members have recently returned from overseas.

If you answer yes to any of these questions, we will put in place a plan for your claim / repair(s) to proceed. 

We have confirmed with our providers that they are following the Government’s directions in regards to social distancing and self-isolation and will check with you to see if you have any concerns around our providers attending your property.

Asking these questions will help us protect you and our wider community in these times of uncertainty.

For more information go to our website: www.dsh.gov.au.