Changes to how you access MyService
Support for access to MyService via Internet Explorer will cease from 3 June 2023, impacting DVA clients. This change means MyService will no longer operate if clients attempt to access the platform using an Internet Explorer browser.
Clients who currently use Internet Explorer will need to switch to an alternative browser. There are many available– some of the more common ones are Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, and Opera.
Microsoft Edge is the official replacement for Internet Explorer.
You must switch to a different browser to continue to access MyService, but there is no obligation to use Edge. You can use an alternative browser if you prefer. All are free to download from the internet – just search for them and follow the instructions to download the most recent version.
It is important to keep up to date with upgrades and improvements to the software you use to maintain protection against security vulnerabilities.
MyService can also be accessed from your mobile device, and is now directly linked through the new myGov app.
If you continue to experience issues with accessing MyService once you have switched browsers, please try restarting your browser, and if the problem is not resolved you can contact 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) for guidance.