Changes to DVA online services
Over the past few months, DVA has been working to increase the services available to clients on MyService. MyService will soon be the one-stop access point for all DVA online services. These changes are designed to provide you, your family and representatives with a simpler way to transact with DVA online.
More services are coming to MyService
From 5 June, the following services will be transferred from MyAccount to MyService:
- Request reviews and appeals
- Income Support Supplement claims
- Centrelink Age Pension Transfers.
The process for completing reviews or claims for clients will not change and the progress status of your review or claim will not be affected. Applications for reviews and claims will continue to be progressed as quickly as possible by our business teams. We’ll be emailing affected clients directly about these changes.
From 18 June, you can also use MyService to apply for a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. On the MyService homepage, click What can I apply for? On the next page, scroll down to Other to find the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card option.
DVA letters starting to go online
From 5 June, selected DVA letters will be sent to your myGov inbox. This is a step forward to align with Australian Government service delivery standards.
Delivery of your DVA letters will be guaranteed – myGov will automatically send you a message to let you know you have mail, you can access it on any device wherever you have internet access, and you won’t miss emails that may have gone to spam folders in your personal email inbox.
Letters about changes of circumstances, lump sum advances, and income support acknowledgement will be the first to be sent to myGov inbox. Over the next 12 months, we will be increasing the types of letters sent to your myGov inbox, including the letters that are currently sent to MyAccount users.
Your correspondence preference will automatically be set to myGov. If you’d prefer to receive your mail by post, you will see a new feature in your MyService account where you can choose how your letters from DVA will be sent to you. On your MyService homepage, under Your information, click on Correspondence, then Manage correspondence preferences.
Income and Asset change of circumstance fields will no longer be pre-populated in MyService
We’ve received your feedback about the pre-population of income and asset fields and we’ve listened. To create a better online experience, from 5 June, when you advise us of a change to your income and asset circumstances, the fields in MyService will no longer be pre-populated with data.