Applications now open for Saluting Their Service grants

The Saluting Their Service program is designed to preserve our military history, promote an understanding and appreciation of the experiences of service personnel and involve people around the nation in a wide range of activities that honour the service and sacrifice of Australians.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said the program, now in its 25th year, had supported thousands of projects nationally, but there were more projects across the nation still to be done. 

‘At the heart of commemoration is our communities and these grants will continue to provide the extra assistance that many need in order to remember their local wartime history and service personnel,’ Mr Chester said.

‘Projects and activities that these grants have supported include developing digital databases of Australians who have served, restoring commemorative sites of significance and producing resources that will keep the stories of our veterans alive for generations to come.

‘I am proud to see that so many community groups and organisations have applied for funding in past years, and that each year we continue to see high numbers of applications, a trend I look forward to seeing carry on in 2021.’

The Grant Opportunity Guidelines have been revised for 2021–22, with minor changes made following consultation with ex-service organisations. They include more information around coronavirus support and new batch opening and closing dates. It is important that you read these guidelines before you apply.

For more information, including access to the latest guidelines and information on how to apply, visit the Community Grants Hub.

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