Active Choices helps DVA clients become more physically active

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has partnered with the University of Queensland (UQ) to trial a new physical activity support program called Active Choices, designed to help DVA clients become more physically active and socially connected within their local community.

Participants have been enjoying the benefits of the program so far and provided their insights to DVA and UQ.

“Thanks to this program, my strength is better, my endurance is better, and I have a more positive mental outlook”.

“I think that the program has been good in terms of providing a framework for getting into the habit of exercising… and worthwhile exercise too. I’ve gone from doing nothing, to doing at least 4 days of exercise per week.”

“My physical activity has definitely increased… I’d say I’ve more than doubled it.”

The team at UQ are still recruiting and looking for more DVA clients who are interested in getting help to manage their physical activity. You can participate in the 12-week Active Choices program anytime from now until June 2021. By joining this program you will be helping to inform future initiatives that benefit the health and wellbeing of the veteran community.

To be eligible to participate in the Active Choices program, you must be a DVA Gold or White Cardholder receiving treatment from an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist, and assessed as being able to safely participate in physical activity without supervision. Please note, participating in this program will not change your treatment arrangements and it will be in addition to any treatment you are already receiving.

If you are interested in doing the program, or would like more information about it, visit or contact Dr Zoe Papinczak on z.papinczak [at] (z[dot]papinczak[at]uq[dot]edu[dot]au)