Karl James

Today, Karl James, Head of Military History at the Australian War Memorial, gives us a sense of the mood and feelings on the day the war was announced.

KARL JAMES Who could have imagined that the war would last siz years...

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Karl James audio script

75th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War

Audio actuality:

On the 75th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War, Australia Remembers the day our country declared it was at war … on September the 3rd, 1939.

Karl James, Head of Military History at the Australian War Memorial, gives us a sense of the mood and feelings of the day …

Karl James

It was actually Fathers’ Day. And we know that many people started their days by attending church and religious services. And then during the course of the day – so during Sunday – families were coming together. They gathered around the wireless set, because this is how people listened to the news … they’re listening to the radio. And round about 9pm, over the Australian airwaves, the Prime Minister Robert Menzies addresses the nation. And essentially he says: Britain is at war, and therefore Australia is at war. This news was incredibly heavy; it was sombre. You don’t see the big scenes of celebration, say, of 1914; there’s not the naivety from the outbreak of the First World War. At the news of this new, terrible conflict, we see reservation, but also some sadness too …because … here we go again; we’re about to enter another terrible conflict.

And listening to that announcement, who could have imagined that the war would last for 6 years.

Saturday, August 15 marks the 75th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War. Let’s pay our respects to that amazing generation of Australians.