Concessions in Victoria

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This page is about concessions available to DVA clients in Victoria.

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Who is eligible for concessions?

The organisation that offers the product or service — for example, your local council, decides what sort of concession is offered and to whom it is offered. DVA Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) and Veteran Gold Card holders are usually eligible for concessions, but it is important to contact the organisation offering the concession to confirm your eligibility.

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Health concessions

Treatment Cards

If you have a Veteran Gold or White Card you should always use this card for medical, hospital, pharmaceutical and allied health services. You can use your physical card or a digital version.  You can access a digital version of the White Card and the Gold Card in MyService. If you have linked your MyService account to myGov, you can also add your Veteran Card to the wallet in the myGov app. 

If you don’t have a MyService account it is easy to get one. Go to the MyService page to find out how.

Once you have a MyService account, you can add your Veteran Card to the myGov app.  This video explains how to do so. 

Transcript: How to add your Veteran Card to the myGov wallet.

Concession providers can find out more in myGov community resources.

Pharmaceutical benefits

PCC holders are eligible for medication under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) at $7.70 per prescription. Your pharmacist can tell you which medicines are listed under the scheme. Premiums charged by manufacturers may apply to some alternative brands/medicines. Once you have spent the PBS Safety Net threshold amount on PBS medicines, you will receive free PBS medicines for the rest of the year.

National Diabetes Services Scheme

You can receive a range of Australian Government approved products at a reduced price. For more information contact the scheme on 1300 136 588 or visit National Diabetes Services Scheme.

Hearing services

The Office of Hearing Services provides vouchers which enable you to get hearing assessments and devices from hearing service providers of your choice. This includes the cost of fitting the device. For more information contact the Office of Hearing Services on 1800 500 726, email hearing [at] (hearing[at]health[dot]gov[dot]au) or visit Office of Hearing Services.

Ambulance Transport

To get information about ambulance transport concessions you can either:


PCC, Gold and Veteran White Card holders can receive free eye examinations and low cost glasses. This is also available for children under the age of 16 if they are listed on your concession card.

If you live in Melbourne and need an eye examination, you should contact the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital on (03) 9929 8666 or visit If you live in Melbourne and need glasses, you should contact the Victorian College of Optometry on (03) 9349 7455 or visit Rural residents should contact the Victorian Eye Care Service on (03) 9349 7434 or visit for both examinations and glasses.

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Dental Health Services Victoria provides emergency and general dental care for PCC holders. Waiting lists apply for general dental care. Emergency relief of pain is generally available within 24 hours. For more information contact the Dental Health Services Victoria on (03) 9341 1000 or visit Dental Health Services Victoria.

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Transport Concessions

War Veteran / War Widow(er)s Concession Travel Card

The War Veterans/War Widow(er)s concession myki card with photograph is for customers who meet the criteria below and who are not eligible for any other form of transport concession.

If you hold one of the cards below, you are automatically eligible for concession fares and you do not need to apply for the War Veteran/War Widow(er)s concession myki.

  • Victorian Seniors Card
  • Victorian Health Care Card
  • Australian Pensioner Concession Card
  • Victorian public transport free travel pass
  • any other concession card valid for concession

War Veteran Eligibility Criteria

The War Veteran concession myki is available to War Veterans who meet all of the following:

  • reside in Victoria
  • have documentary evidence of war or/peacemaking service overseas
  • hold a Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold or Veteran White Card or documented evidence of ongoing compensation or a lump sum payment from DVA for an injury/illness related to this service at the time of this application.

War Widow(er) Eligibility Criteria

The War Widow concession myki is available to Victorian War Widow(er)s who meet all of the following criteria:

  • reside in Victoria
  • hold a DVA Veteran Gold Card embossed "War Widow(er)"
  • have their partner's documentary evidence of overseas war service (photocopy to be supplied)

This card provides concession fares for:

  • metropolitan services
  • V/Line ticketed services (including V/Line Link services and interstate services)
  • urban bus services in regional cities
  • regional services that have a contract or service agreement with the Department of Transport.

For more information and an application form contact Public Transport Victoria on 1800 800 007 or visit Concessions — War Veteran/War Widow(er).

War Veteran's Travel Pass

The War Veteran's Free Travel Pass is issued by the Public Transport Victoria Hub. It is available to applicants who meet all of the following four (4) criteria:

  • are residents of Victoria
  • have undertaken war/ peacemaking/ peacekeeping service overseas
  • have had confirmed by their treating doctor that due to this injury/illness related to service the veteran's locomotion is limited significantly
  • provide a copy of one of the following
    • DVA Gold or Veteran White Card
    • Evidence of ongoing compensation from DVA
    • Lump sum compensation from DVA for injury/illness related to this service

For more information contact Public Transport Victoria on 1800 800 007 or visit War Veterans' Travel Pass.

EDA/TPI Ex-service Personnel Pass

From 1 July 2015, the Victorian Government has extended eligibility for the EDA/TPI War Veteran Travel Pass. The pass was previously only available to those who were injured while serving in overseas war or peacekeeping activities but is now available to all holders of a Gold Repatriation Health Card embossed with EDA or TPI. It will now be called the EDA/TPI Ex-Service Personnel Pass.

The EDA/TPI Ex-service Personnel Pass is issued by the Public Transport Victoria Hub.

It is available to applicants who meet both of the following 2 criteria:

  • hold a Veteran Gold Card, embossed EDA or TPI
  • are Victorian residents

For more information contact Public Transport Victoria on 1800 800 007 or visit Extreme Disability Adjustment/Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (EDA/TPI) Ex-service Personnel Pass

Multi-Purpose Taxi Program

The Multi-Purpose Taxi Program gives members half price taxi fares. It pays up to $60 per trip and has a cap of $2,180 per year. Membership cards to access the program cost $16.50. Veteran Gold Card holders who have severe and permanent disability affecting their ability to use public transport may be eligible for this program. Some members are exempted from the yearly limit, including Disability Compensation Payment recipients getting the TPI or the EDA rates. Refer to the Victorian Taxi Directorate for more information on exemptions from the annual limit.

For more information contact the Victorian Taxi Directorate toll free on 1800 638 802 or visit Multi-Purpose Taxi Program.

For taxi travel relating to the treatment of accepted disabilities you should use your DVA treatment card (Veteran Gold Card or Veteran White Card). For more information refer to Reimbursing travel expenses under VEA.

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Household concessions

Australia Post

Australia Post offers a 40% discount on postage stamps, discounts on re-directing mail and deliver some items that aid the sight of people with a vision impairment free of charge, or at a discounted rate, for Gold, White and Orange card holders. For more information contact Australia Post on 13 76 78 or visit their website at


Telstra offers a number of concessions to PCC holders, including a discount on new telephone service connection fee and a reduction in your home line plan costs. For more information, contact Telstra on 1800 676 442 or visit

Water, Sewerage & Storm Water Rebates

PCC and Veteran Gold Card holders are entitled to a concession of 50% discount off water and sewerage charges up to an annual maximum. The annual maximum concession is indexed each year. The concession can be claimed directly from your water supplier — check your water account for details of who to contact.

Non-Mains Water

PCC and Veteran Gold Card holders are eligible for a concession that helps with the costs of buying non-mains water for properties not connected to mains water. The concession does not apply if you buy the water for commercial purposes. For more information, contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit non-mains water concession.


Veteran Gold Card holders (marked TPI, EDA, WAR WID, and POW) and PCC holders may be entitled to a concession of up to 50% off council rates up to a yearly maximum amount. For more information, contact Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit Municipal rates concession.

Stamp Duty

PCC, Veteran Gold Card and CSHC holders may be entitled to a once-only exemption or concession from paying duty when buying a home valued below a threshold. For more information contact the Victorian State Revenue Office on 132 161 or visit pensioner duty exemptions or concessions.

Fire Services Property Levy Concession

Veteran Gold Card holders (marked TPI or WAR WID) and PCC holders are eligible for a discount of $50 off the Fire Services Property Levy that is charged to all Victorian property owners on their council rates notice. Only one concession applies per property. For more information contact your local council.

Annual Electricity and Excess Electricity Concessions

These concessions gives Veteran Gold Card holders and PCC holders a 17.5% discount off electricity bills all year round. For more information contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit annual electricity concession.

Non-Mains Energy Concession

This concession gives Veteran Gold Card holders and PCC holders an annual concessional rebate if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • rely on liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG), firewood or heating oil for domestic heating, cooking or hot water
  • access non-mains electricity via an embedded network
  • rely on a generator.

For more information contact your LP Gas supplier, your local council or the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit non-mains energy.

Winter Gas and Excess Gas Concessions

These concessions give Veteran Gold Card holders and PCC holders a 17.5% discount off mains gas bills during the winter period 1 May to 31 October of each year. For more information contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or, for more information, visit winter gas concession.

Water and Sewerage Connection Scheme

PCC and Veteran Gold Card holders may be eligible for a one-off grant covering the full cost of a compulsory connection to mains water and sewerage service where applicants have no savings to cover the cost of connection. Contact your water corporation for an application form.

Utility Relief Grant Schemes

For PCC and Veteran Gold Card holders who are unable to pay their mains electricity, gas or water bills due to a temporary financial crisis. You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a single source of energy (e.g. electricity only)) or you can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type or septic tank cleaning service in a two-year period for non-mains.

For further information and application forms, contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit utility relief and non-mains utility grant scheme.

Medical Cooling Concession

This concession is available to Veteran Gold Card holders and PCC holders suffering from certain medical conditions that affect the body's ability to regulate temperature. It provides a 17.5% discount off electricity costs from 1 November to 30 April each year.

For details of these conditions contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit medical cooling concession.

Life Support Electricity Concession

This concession provides a quarterly rebate on electricity bills to Veteran Gold Card holders and PCC holders if they, or a member of their household, use a life supporting machine, including oxygen concentrators and haemodialysis machines. For more information contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit life-support machine electricity concession.

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Vehicle Concessions

Vehicle Registration and Transport Accident Charge (TAC) Concession

The total cost for vehicle registration in Victoria includes a registration fee and a Transport Accident Charge (TAC).

Vehicle Registration

PCC holders and Gold Veteran Gold Card holders, including those embossed with War Widow/er, are eligible for a 50% discount on both the registration fee and TAC (those embossed Dependent are not eligible).

TPI and EDA Veteran Gold Card holders are eligible for a 100% discount on the registration fee and 50% discount on the TAC. Veteran Gold Card holders not marked with TPI or EDA may be eligible for a 100% discount on the registration fee and 50% discount of the TAC fee, however, written confirmation of their current disability entitlement from DVA would be required.

Vehicle Purchase

Veterans receiving Disability Compensation Payment at 100% of the General Rate or higher, including at the TPI, TTI, Intermediate and EDA rates, and Military, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) clients who have been assessed at 40 or more impairment points, do not have to pay motor vehicle duty (stamp duty) when they buy a new or second hand motor vehicle. For more information contact VicRoads on 13 11 71 or visit transfer and motor vehicle duty/fees and transfer exemptions.

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Other concessions

Recreational Fishing Licences

PCC holders and TPI veterans are entitled to this concession. This means you do not need to purchase a fishing licence. It does not apply to inland amateur netting licences. For more information contact the Victorian Fishing Authority on 136 186.

Pet Registration

PCC holders may be eligible for concessions on cat and dog registrations. The concession varies between councils. Contact your local council to apply.

Victorian Seniors Card

The Victorian Seniors Card is issued free and provides access to savings on a range of goods and services provided by participating businesses. For more information contact the Victoria Seniors Card on 1300 797 210 or visit Seniors Card.

Veterans Card - Victoria

Victoria entitles all past and present ADF members living in Victoria to discounts and benefits. For more information visit

More information about concessions

Concessions Unit — Victorian Department of Health and Services

The Concessions Unit provides information on concessions available to Victorian residents. For more information contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 or visit concessions.

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Moving Interstate

If you have recently moved interstate, and not received a new concession or treatment card reflecting your state of residence, please contact us.  Some state government concessions require your card to match your state of residence.

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