Frequently asked questions

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Can I take holidays/leave in my first year?

Graduates are able to take leave during the graduate year. Leave arrangements must be negotiated with your direct supervisor during each placement. However, it is recommended that you do not take long periods of leave as this may interfere with your ability to get the most out of the program.

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Will I get financial assistance to relocate?

Yes, DVA may provide reasonable financial assistance for your relocation if required. This may include travel for you and your dependants, temporary accommodation, removal of your belongings, bond assistance, and transport of your vehicle. Arrangements will be made on an individual basis between you and the Graduate Manager.

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Will I be working in Canberra?

Previously, Graduate positions were centralised in Canberra. However, DVA now offer positions across the main capital cities, provided minimum participant numbers are met in any given location. 

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How much will I get paid?

The DVA Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027 sets out the entitlements for DVA employees. DVA graduates will be engaged at the APS3/ Graduate APS classification, and paid at the first pay point of the APS 4 classification. Once the graduate has successfully completed the graduate program they will automatically be advanced and salary progressed to the top pay point of the APS 4 classification.

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What type of work will I be doing?

Graduates will have three work placements during the 11-month program. These placements are designed to give graduates an overview of departmental functions and activities, as well as opportunities to contribute to the work of the department and to develop professional networks.

The program focuses on developing the skills that DVA values. These include policy, client service, people and work organisation and office skills. You will be working on real projects as you learn about DVA, its clients and partners. The work placements are varied and through them, you will gain an appreciation of the responsibilities of different areas within the department.

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Will I be involved in Anzac Day and Commemorations Events?

There may be opportunities to be involved in recognising one of Australia's most significant military efforts. As DVA works closely with other entities, such as the Australian War Memorial, opportunities may arise for you to attend a number of conferences and significant Australian events.

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I applied for last year's intake but was not successful, can I reapply?

DVA encourages candidates to reapply, even if they have been unsuccessful in the past.

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Are there any age restrictions?

There are no age restrictions.

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