Word Anzac Regulator Framework

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The Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations 1921 (the Regulations) broadly state that to use the word ‘Anzac’ or any word resembling ‘Anzac’ in an official or corporate manner, permission from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs (Minister) is required.  The Regulations are the responsibility of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).  The Regulations affect a small number of organisations and individuals each year.

Since 2016, DVA has published an annual externally validated self-assessment report against key performance indicators under the Regulator Performance Framework (RPF).  The RPF ceased in July 2021 with the 2020-2021 assessment report the last report produced under the RPF.  

On 1 July 2021, a new reporting model was developed by DVA, the Word Anzac Regulator Framework (WARF), adopting best practice principles of good regulation: 

  • Continuous improvement and building trust;
  • Risk based and data driven; and
  • Collaboration and engagement.

The first report published under the new reporting model, 2021-2022 WARF report, was published in November 2023. 

The 2022-2023 WARF report is the second report published under the new reporting model. The self-assessment report contains the Key Performance Indicator, The Regulations do not unnecessarily impede the efficient operation of regulated entities, building trust and confidence in Australia’s regulatory settings, performance measures and the evidence used to identify the extent to which DVA is achieving good regulatory performance.  The draft self-assessment report is circulated to the Ex-Service Organisation Round Table for external validation, with their comments included in the final report.  The WARF will be published annually on the DVA website. 

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